Tag Archives: registration

Do your employees speak french?

You thought you were done with all of these new obligations at the Registraire des entreprises du Québec (REQ)? Well, think again. Now that we have familiarized ourselves with the concept of ultimate beneficiaries, the REQ is introducing a new requirement. As of June 1, 2023, new businesses and those already registered with 5 to […]

Deadline for your Annual Declaration: November 15, 2018

As is the case every year, we remind you not to forget the filing of your annual declaration with the Registraire des enterprises du Québec. As such, you will find below an excerpt from a notice we have recently received from the Registrar as an accredited intermediary: If the legal form of your enterprise is […]

Doing business in Quebec? You need to register.

REQ - Employees - French

If you represent a foreign corporation (i.e. a company constituted outside the province of Québec, Canada) and plan on doing business in Québec, you will surely enjoy everything Québec has to offer: culture, cuisine, the French language, outdoor sports/activities, festivals, an amazing landscape and great hospitality are just a few of the perks surrounding our […]

We lost our minute book: Now what?

Corporate book, minute book, company book, whatever you want to call it, for many corporations this (in)famous book is quietly gathering dust on a shelf. In a previous post, we discussed the importance of keeping the corporate book up to date. But what should entrepreneurs do should they unfortunately lose their minute book? As it […]

Business – Startup: Incorporation and Shareholder Agreement

Incorporation pitfalls are avoidable, here is an innovative way to help your startup and secure the right shareholders’ agreement. Our “Business – Startup and Shareholders Agreement” package bundles the following services: Start-up businesses or corporate restructuring: this package will address your legal needs while meeting your budget requirements. For more information, contact us at 514-856-5601 or sam@malekavocat.com

Incorporation of my business? A lawyer’s answers.

Entrepreneur: The incorporation of my business, is it a good thing or not ? Lawyer: Whether it be from start-up entrepreneurs or from those doing business for a few years, this is one of the most frequently asked questions in business law. The answer to this question is not complicated, but somewhat complex, since it will […]